Do you want to stop smoking?
Gay Men's Health in Edinburgh and the LGBT Centre for Health and Wellbeing would like your help to plan new resources to assist LGBT people in Edinburgh and the Lothians to quit smoking. We would be very grateful if you could take a few minutes to fill in this questionnaire so that your views can be taken into account when planning this service.
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About Gay Men's Health
Gay Men’s Health exists to improve the physical, mental, emotional, social and sexual health of all gay and bisexual men living in Edinburgh and the Lothians. We have six full-time members of staff and around 70 volunteers working to -
- Prevent further transmission of HIV
- Challenge stigma and discrimination around living with HIV
- Promote the sexual health of all gay and bisexual men
- Promote the mental and emotional health of all gay and bisexual men
- Promote the physical health of all gay and bisexual men
- Promote the social health of all gay and bisexual men
In order to do this, we work on several projects and provide a number of services and opportunities, including:
...and much more
We hope you find our website enjoyable and interesting. If you have any questions or comments then please contact us.
Chief Executive: Bruce Fraser
Administrator: Ann Wright
Counselling and Support Manager: Craig Hutchison
Testing Barriers Project Manager:
Steve O'Donnell
Events and Resources Manager:
James Falconer
Community Development Manager:
James Whyte
Colin Anderson
Iain Law
Michael Ure
Gary Boyd
Susan Edwards
Gareth Hagger-Johnson
Brian Houston
Alan Macdonald |
Last updated: 14th July 2004
© Copyright 2001-2004 Gay Men's Health - all rights reserved.
Unless otherwise stated, the images and text on these pages
are copyright Gay Men's Health and may not be reproduced without prior
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