It has been the subject of nearly every song ever sung, been written about by the greatest authors and romanticised by the most eloquent poets throughout the ages, all extolling the unrivalled ecstasy that is love.

It’s no wonder that we all at some point in our lives want to feel a little love…or a give a lot of love. Being in love can evoke a multitude of the most intense, disorientating and often stomach-churning feelings. Human emotions are often a myriad of different feelings and thoughts all competing for your attention.

Love can bring the greatest highs…especially when it’s reciprocated…but it can also leave you feeling the lowest of the lows when the love you want doesn’t come along when you want it or with whom you want it. No-one can tell you how to feel or what to feel. Each of us is different. The emotions that we feel will impact upon the person we feel them for and our relationships with them.

Our emotions and need for love and affection are no different from other people’s. Gay or bisexual relationships are based on mutual attraction, love and affection. Sex, in a committed gay or bisexual relationship, can be a means of expressing that love, just the same as it is for heterosexuals.

A loving, affectionate relationship is based on mutual trust and respect. Being gay or bisexual is much more profound than simply a sexual relationship; being gay or bisexual is part of a person's core identity, and goes right to the very centre of his being.



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