Joining the Action at Gay Men’s Health

Volunteering - Get Involved!

“The reason I chose Gay Men’s Health is that I completely support your proactive approach to education and support within the gay community. “

“I have used your services in the past so I know that you are the kind of organisation I would like to be associated with.  I’d also like to give something back.”

“I spoke to one of your volunteers on the (gay) scene and was very impressed.”

“I am aware how difficult it can be accessing support and information on gay men’s issues; and would like to be involved in making things different or easier for others.”

The importance of volunteers at Gay Men’s Health cannot be overstated.  New volunteers of a variety of different ages and backgrounds continue to be attracted to the organisation, and of course, we’re  always very keen to find out what influences people’s decision to come and work with us.

The quotes above are just a few of the reasons given for volunteering, which have been taken from interviews and application forms.

We currently have many volunteers actively working for Gay Men’s Health, but we need more! Our task is still far from easy, as gay men continue to be the group most disproportionately affected by HIV, on top of a wealth of other health and social inequalities. Volunteers at Gay Men’s Health are people (mostly gay and bisexual men themselves) who find this unacceptable and are prepared to do something about it. This, in a nutshell, is the true definition of Community Development.

Not that you have to be gay or even a man to volunteer ... just as long as you have dedication, a sense of humour and the ability to think on your feet.  Every single person who gets involved brings new skills, knowledge and abilities, and so Gay Men’s Health is constantly evolving.

Volunteers fulfil an impressive range of different functions within Gay Men’s Health, and often these involve dealing with very real and gritty situations.  In balancing the challenge of these situations with appropriate levels of training and support, volunteers are able to make a real difference and still find their work rewarding and enjoyable.

If you think you’re up to the challenge, why not give us a call?

If you want more information on becoming a volunteer then contact Tom Lusk in Glasgow (0141 552 0112), or James Whyte in Edinburgh (0131 558 9444). Or if your mind is fairly made up, click here for a volunteering application form!