PATH [Partnership Action on Tobacco and Health] is managed by ASH Scotland, and their work includes addressing health inequalities faced by people who smoke in Scotland.  They are now in the process of doing some needs analysis for the LGBT community with respect to Stop Smoking services - what experiences people have had to date (both within the NHS and at LGBT community level), and what they’d want as an ‘ideal’ in the future.
PATH have designed an online Survey Monkey questionnaire which they are inviting any LGBT current or former smokers to complete; they shall only be collecting responses for about a month from the end of September, and then hope to meet with focus groups to look at specific issues that arise from the results.

Click here to take the survey.

Please feel free to complete it (if applicable), and circulate it to any interested parties.
PATH will produce a briefing paper by the end of the year, to highlight the extent of current activities and future needs relating to Stop Smoking services for the LGBT community in Scotland, and to make any recommendations that arise from the survey; this will be forwarded to the Scottish Government and NHS Health Scotland.  
The PATH Projects Officer, Linda Bates, would be happy to talk to you if you have any questions about this or the broader work that PATH does, so please do feel free to contact her via
[email protected].


Smoking Survey