
Having good sex involves feeling as comfortable as you can with your body, that way you are more likely to relax when you are with another guy.  We don’t need to tell you that your body can respond to touch in many different ways – your nipples, back, neck, arse, thighs, cock, lips, balls, hands and feet all have sensitive nerve-endings and everyone has their little spot that gets them going.   

Obviously we are all different and the bit of your body that feels like it’s directly connected to your cock is different for different people.

The way in which guys like to be touched…rough, gentle, slow, ticklish, frenetic, strong, grasping, stroking, brushing, biting, pinching, scratching, slapping, pressing varies from guy to guy and you’ll know yourself what works for you. 

Just remember that a good sex life doesn’t just come from your cock; it comes from your head and from being sensitive to what your body likes.  Don’t ignore the rest of your body!


The Gay Men’s Health

Good Gay Sex Guide

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